
Find a tool

The Stäbler app allows employees to find available tools with searching by warehouse and location proximity. The application enables the transfer of tool ownership from one employee to another by “Hand over” option as well as contacting employees.


  • UX Research & Strategy
  • User experience
  • User interface
  • Frontend development
  • Backend development
  • Testing

Fuzzy search

Home screen
Location search screen - selected location
Nearest tools preview
Stabler showcase

The old application is missing features. An employee cannot transfer ownership of the tool to another person nor contact another employee. With grammatical errors, searching via the search bar is impossible. There are double steps to find the machine and other equipment via the "Find a tool" and the "Warehouse" buttons. Searching the warehouse is no longer necessary. There is no option to search for tools by distance. The information about the employees and their licenses does not exist.


From the first screen, it should be possible to view all tools by warehouse location. Also, to view calculated distance with a search bar. Sorting is available by the farthest and nearest. Enable a view of tool details as well as request new ownership. Add a fuzzy search for easier searching. Enable sending requests and hand over tools. Limit the reservation to 24 hours to pick up the tool. All reservations statuses can be preview through the "My tools" screen. Add a notification center.

Tool assigned to a user preview
  • Find a tool
  • My tools
  • Notification center
  • Handover the tool
  • Profile info
  • Licenses
Stabler showcase